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We’ve been opening cases and reviewing case-opening sites for a long time. We’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. CSGO.net falls into none of those categories. Why? Because we think it’s great. Sure, there are some things we would like to see changed. But there’s even more that we think is amazing.

Before diving into CSGO.net, we’d like to mention that we were a bit overwhelmed the first time we entered the site and started clicking around. We don’t mean that in a negative way. We were overwhelmed because we didn’t know where to start. There are literally that many features and offerings. We’re here to help you navigate and understand precisely what CSGO.net has to offer. Hopefully, our review shines some light on the site and its features and helps save you time when you decide to open cases on one of the best case-opening sites we’ve encountered.

To kick off our review, we’d like to provide a quick snapshot of what you’ll have access to once you create an account on CSGO.net. Just a warning: there’s a lot, which is a great thing.

  • Cases: at the time of writing, there were over 250 different cases to choose from. We’ll dive into the case categories and how case opening works a bit further down in this review.
  • Upgrades: pick a skin from your inventory that you want to upgrade and test your luck. We’ll break down the two different upgrade modes, Classic and Updated, as well.
  • Tradeups: a bit different than upgrading. Basically, you either get something better or worse. However, you always get something.
  • Operations: certain challenge-like events that you have to complete to win skins. Think of operations like side missions in a game, but the game is a case-opening site.
  • Events: pick the winning teams in real events. Every correct prediction gives you points and allows you to level up your Event battle pass for free CSGO.net cases and other rewards.
  • 2 Giveaway types: receive tickets by topping up your balance to participate in giveaways or complete tasks to enter giveaways.
  • Bonuses & promo codes: this is a really nice bonus system. It is way too complex to describe in this snapshot. Keep reading to learn more about it.
  • Referrals: create a CSGO.net promo code to share with your friends and on your socials to make money. Yes, please.
  • Transparency: a provably fair system keeps things transparent and fair.
  • Stats: few available, but still cool to see.
  • Designs as rewards: it’s possible to “upgrade” the design of certain website aspects like your profile, case openings, and other things by completing certain tasks. It’s a nice, simple way to customize your visual experience.

As you can see, we have a lot to review. So, let’s not waste time and hop right in!

CSGO.net Case Opening Experience

As mentioned, the site can be a bit overwhelming with everything it offers. The case designs are super complex, almost to the point that we don’t even notice the case itself. We’ll touch more on that in the design section, and you’ll understand what we mean. We’ll have a small challenge for you! We do love the case filters. More on that below.

Aside from the case design complexity, it would be tough to improve our case opening experience on CSGO.net. They seem to have almost anything we want: multiple opens, drop odds, current skin values, and save case as a favorite option.

The only thing we don’t like is a slight usability flaw within the case opening UI itself. More on that below.

Navigation and Usability

For us to stand behind our statement that CSGO.net is one of the best sites we’ve ever reviewed, we also have to be honest about the site’s navigation and usability. And our honest opinion is that it’s complicated. However, we have to say that the only reason it’s complicated is that they offer so much. So, it’s not a bad thing; it just takes some getting used to.

After spending about 10 minutes clicking around, you’ll realize the navigation and usability are actually really nice. It’s just that they offer so much that it takes a bit of time to explore and process everything.

On the homepage, you’ll notice two levels of navigation menus, which is likely done because including all of the options on a single menu would overcrowd the choices and make each choice so small that navigating a single menu would be difficult. So, we understand their choice.

We love that most features contain a “How it works” section—brilliant. However, not all do. We’ll break down each section further. Stay with us; this CSGO.net review will get deeper.

Visual Design and Appeal

The site is well-designed. However, as mentioned, the case designs are very nice but complicated. We almost wish they increased the size of each image and reduced the total number of cases in each row just so users could admire the details of each case design. Zoom into any case, and you’ll see what we mean. The details are amazing; they just get lost in such small images. So, we are confused as to why they put so much time into designing each case and then make the image so small that you can’t really appreciate the details. To be honest, that’s one of our few complaints, which is so small that it highlights the level of this site.

We have thoughts on each section in terms of design. However, writing about them here would make this section too long, and we feel it would be more fitting to include our thoughts in each section breakdown.

Before jumping into all of that, let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons of CSGO.net.

Pros and Cons of Using CSGO.net

As we believe CSGO.net is one of the best case opening sites on the market, we’ll highlight only a few pros and all of the cons. We ask you to keep reading as we’ll mention more pros throughout the feature breakdowns.


  • Transparent and secure – there is a transparency system put in place as well as odds of skins in every case.
  • Lots of bonuses – and we mean lots. 40+.
  • Cool events – play along and make predictions as real-life events unfold.
  • Tons of case categories – we specifically love the blogger concept.
  • Can withdraw referral money – this is nice.


  • Not many live case battles – with millions of users, we’d expect to find lots of battles to join. That is not the case.
  • Takes time to understand all offerings – this isn’t that bad. We just needed another con to include in our list.
  • Transparent and secure
  • Lots of bonuses
  • Cool events
  • Tons of case categories
  • Can withdraw referral money
  • Not many live case battles
  • Takes time to understand all offerings

CSGO.net Bonuses, Free Cases, Giveaways & Referral Codes

The bonus system is very complex, which is a good thing. CSGO.net also has giveaways and a referral system. Buckle up. Here. We. Go.

Bonus System

The image above almost does no justice to the CSGO.net bonus system as there are 40 different types of bonuses; some repeat with other conditions. But, overall, there are more than 10 different types of bonuses. Our personal favorite is the “duplicate” bonus. This means activating this CSGO.net bonus, opening a case, and receiving two of any skin or item won. This could result in something huge.

Each “bonus image” has a small “?” in the upper left-hand corner. Just hover your cursor over it, and you’ll see the conditions you need to meet to receive the bonus. There are too many to describe each one.

CSGO.net lists these rules:

  • Have at least a Steam level of 1.
  • If you receive a bonus, you only have 24 hours to use it, or it will be replaced with a new bonus.
  • Add $20 to your balance to receive an additional bonus.

The bonus system is connected to the “battle pass” feature we discuss below. As you open cases, you move forward in the battle pass and receive a certain bonus for each level you achieve.

You’ll need to play around with the system to fully understand it. However, it’s worth it for sure. And you get all of that aside from the CSGO.net free cases, giveaways, and referrals.

Battle Pass

Aside from opening cases, our favorite feature is the Battle pass-like feature in the event section. You’ll get points that move the blue slider forward as you open cases. See the image above. Once you reach each new level, you can claim one of the bonuses. Those bonuses can be used while opening certain cases. Through the first 3 levels, we’ve noticed that each CSGO.net bonus can only be used on cases valued at under $0.44. It’s kind of low, but it’s also a nice touch if you love opening cases.

Free Cases

Everyone loves free cases, including us. And CSGO.net has 7. However, we feel the need to state that most aren’t really free as you’ll need to deposit money to open them. But they are free in terms of the actual cost of opening them.

Take a look:

  • Avatar: this has several restrictions: Update your avatar to one of their available images, add at least $2 to your balance, and have a Steam level of at least 3.
  • Silver: top up your balance to at least $3.54. Once you do that, you can open up to 3 free cases. The deposit count for this free case resets every 24 hours.
  • Nova: top up your balance to at least $9
  • MG: top up your balance to at least $18
  • Lem: top up your balance to at least $75
  • Supreme: top up your balance to at least $150
  • Global: top up your balance to at least $450

Each case shows what you can win, the current value of each skin or item, and the percentage of winning it. Also, don’t worry; its top-up isn’t available at once. There is a progress bar for each case. So, over time, you’ll have access to some legit cases for “free.”


At the time of writing this CSGO.net review, there were 2 different types of giveaways: “Difficult choice” and “CS2 skins.”

Difficult choice

This giveaway is complex. The current giveaway has 13 ways to enter. As this review will already be long based on all the offered features, it’s probably best to check them out here. Entries range from following socials to opening certain cases. Each task gives a certain number of entries.

Referral Codes

CSGO.net has a basic referral system.

All you have to do is:

  • Create a CSGO.net promo code: this opens a new tab. Though we were already signed in, we had to connect Steam again to see the referral page. Once we did that, we saw our referral profile. We could generate our custom code and see activations, top-ups, and money earned there. There is also a way to withdraw the money. The available options are to our CSGO.net balance or several crypto addresses. We love this.

    They also have promotional material available for download to help with sharing across your socials. It’s time to make some money!
  • Share it: simply share across your social or any other communities you are part of.
  • Make money: there are levels. We love that the levels aren’t based on how many people you bring but on how much money you deposit. So, it’s not a popularity contest, just a love for opening cases. We should state that the description is a bit confusing. And we don’t love that the percentage decreases as you deposit more. Nonetheless, it’s worth trying out, especially if you deposit money to open cases anyway.


The only real information we found on partnerships is an email address. We assume you’ll need to contact them and pitch any idea you have in mind. As far as we can tell, they currently have two partners directly integrated within their site: AlphaSkins and CSGO Market.

You can reach them here: [email protected]

Gold Pass

CSGO.net has a Premium subscription feature. You can find it under the event feature. At the time of writing, the cost was $30. So, what do you get if you upgrade your account to the Gold Pass?

Let’s explore that now:

  • Powerful free case
  • 3000 battle pass points
  • 31 additional battle pass bonuses

So, is it worth it? Well, it depends on how many cases you plan on opening and the price of those cases. The 31 additional battle pass bonuses may pay for itself if you get lucky enough.

CSGO.net Case Opening and Key Features

Where do we begin? There are tons of cases and features.

We’ll highlight the case options and features below:


  • Event cases – cases that are connected to a currently running event. They each include bonus points for opening.
  • Free cases – we’ve already described these above.
  • Limited editions – these are limited to a certain number of cases available. Act fast!
  • Mining cases – each case includes about a 50/ 50 chance of winning a themed skin connected to the case itself.
  • Blogger’s cases – cases created by your favorite blogger. We assume they get a percentage of the opening cost at the cost of promoting their specific case. We love this as a business decision. Well done.
  • Bonus cases – we aren’t sure why these are name bonus cases. However, each case seems to include skins that are connected to the color of each case.
  • Custom cases – these cases are connected to the skins based on the naming of each case. Looking for a specific gun? These cases are for you.
  • All in cases – feeling lucky? These are the cases for you. They include amazing and not-so-amazing skins. There are only two skins per case. Good luck!
  • Standard cases – Standard CS cases.
  • Collections – connected to certain events. If you’re looking for a skin associated with an event you loved, open these.

There’s a little bit for everyone. If you can’t find what you are looking for in these cases, you aren’t looking to open cases. Period.

Case opening

You can expect a more-or-less typical case-opening experience on CSGO.net. This means opening a case on this site is basically like most of the sites we’ve reviewed. Not bad, but nothing special.

Here’s what you get:

  • Number of cases to open – it’s possible to open up to 10 cases at once, which is nice. But, not sure we’d like to try to watch that many at once. Our sweet spot is 3 or 4.
  • Open fast – speeds up the animation for those who are in a hurry.
  • Price – the money you need to spend to open each case. This is multiplied by the number of cases you select to open at once.
  • Current skin values– the amount you’ll receive if you select to sell on the spot.
  • Odds – always a great feature. You can see the percentage of winning each skin in any given case.

As we mentioned, nothing special here. For sure check out the different types of cases as that will have an impact on what you are looking for and what you receive.

Those are just the case options. There are plenty of other features on CSGO.net. Let’s take a look.


The events feature on CSGO.net are connected to real-world CS tournaments. The events feature is also connected to the battle pass feature.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Make predictions on games. If you correctly predict the outcome, you get that prize for that prediction.
  2. To receive any given prize, you must have already reached the stated battle pass level shown beside the prize.
  3. The goal is to predict as many outcomes as possible to gain as many bonuses as possible.
  4. And just for bragging rights, you’ll want to track your performance against the other players in the “best of the best” section near the bottom of the events page.

As you can see in the picture above, we started reviewing CSGO.net a bit too late. But no worries—we’ll definitely catch the next event.


The upgrade feature has two options. The classic option displays a circle with the win and lose sections and win/lose sizes appropriate for what you are trying to upgrade from and to. The updated version, pictured above, is similar, but we won’t spoil it. Check it out yourself.

Be careful, though. If you don’t hit the upgrade, you’ll lose the skin you’re trying to upgrade and have nothing to show for it.


We prefer the tradeup feature simply because there isn’t a chance that we’ll completely lose the skin we are trying to “upgrade.” How it works is pretty simple:

  1. Select any skins that you don’t want to keep.
  2. Click “create a tradeup” or hit enter.

Though this feature is cool, There’s only about a 20% chance of receiving something more valuable than what you are trying to trade up. Still, risking something and receiving something less valuable is better than risking it and losing everything—at least that’s our opinion.

Case Battles

This is one of our favorite features on almost any case-opening site. With such a big site with so many users, we were surprised that there were no battles nearly every time we logged on. Eventually, we started creating our own and playing against bots. Yep, it’s not ideal. But it’s what we had to do to start battling for skins. There’s also an option for private battles. So, maybe that’s what everyone is doing? We don’t know.

The case battles work in the typical way. You can open up to 10 cases, battling up to 3 other players. The person who receives the highest valued skins wins all of the skins from the other players.

Aside from the fact that few people are using the feature, we noticed one other flaw. Under the “your previous battles” section, the price of each battle is off—and we mean way off. A $0.75 battle is now listed at $58.40. We aren’t sure why.


At the time of writing this CSGO.net review, there weren’t any ongoing operations, so we couldn’t test the feature. From what we can gather, the feature is a list of challenges you complete to move along the challenge map to reach the end.

Think of it as a battle pass. Except for gaining points to move forward, you have to complete challenges. These may be opening a certain case or receiving a certain skin.

Account Stats

The stats feature is very small. However, we like that CSGO.net shows at least something.

The stats are found across various features and include:

  • Battle record – currently, we have 8 wins and 4 defeats.
  • Best drop – Tech-9 fuel injector. Yep, we aren’t big spenders.
  • Best case – Bomj.
  • Items – shows how many items you’ve ever had over time.
  • Upgrades – lists how many have been positive and how many negative.

Though stats aren’t very important for case-opening sites, they are fun to see, more so when you start clicking on different user profiles.

CSGO.net Community Features

There’s only one “kind of” community feature on CSGO.net, which may be a stretch. The events feature allows you to select winners of real-world events. The only way we can see this remotely being a community event is that there is a leaderboard, which means you can see other players, click on their profiles, and communicate with them about the ongoing event. Of course, CSGO.net has socials. We’ll cover those in a second.

Account and Support Services

CSGO.net has a comprehensive FAQ section, which we like. It also has a live support function. In our opinion, this is the best type of support you can ask for for case-opening sites. We asked a simple question and got a response within about 30 seconds. You can also email support at [email protected]. However, between the FAQ and live chat, we had no reason to send an email.

Site Statistics

Again, we would expect nothing less from a site of this level. CSGO.net offers tons of live stats. And to say they are impressive is an understatement.

Let’s take a look at where they stood at the time of writing this review:

  • Players online – 1000+, at the time of writing. This makes the lack of open battles a bit confusing to us.
  • Users – over 6.2M.
  • Cases opened – almost 700M. Yep, we double-checked. That’s so many.
  • Battles – nearing 17M. We aren’t sure how it got to that number.
  • Upgrades – a bit over 60M.
  • Tradeups – more than 25M.

We are even remotely surprised by these numbers. And if the trademark information is correct, CSGO.net has only been in operation since 2017.

Social Media and Community

As we’d expect, CSGO.net is very active across a few different social platforms.

Check them out:

  • Facebook – 732k followers with a bit more likes. They seem to be very active here, posting several times a day.
  • Instagram – about the same post frequency as Facebook, with few followers. About 63k.
  • X (Twitter) – same as above, with 60k followers.
  • Tiktok – we assume this is a new social for CSGO.net as they post on average once a day yet still only have around 80 followers.
  • Reddit – 388 members. We assume this is where the long forum discussions take place. A topic a day. Not bad.
  • Telegram – almost 3.5k followers with around 3 posts per day.

CSGO.net has a wide range of social media. Interacting with them can earn you entries into one of the current giveaways.

CSGO.net Glossary

There aren’t a lot of words you need to understand if you’ve read our review up to this point.

However, we’ll highlight some keywords and phrases you need to know:

  • Case Opening – the main activity on CSGO.net is where players use money to open virtual cases that contain random CS2 skins.
  • Upgrader – game mode where players can upgrade the quality or rarity of skins they already own.
  • Tradeup – similar to the classic CS2 contract system, where players trade several lower-value skins for one higher-value skins.
  • Case Battles – a competitive mode where multiple players open the same case, and the player who gets the most valuable skin wins.
  • LIVE Trades Page – a section of the website that shows recent wins from Tradeup, Upgrader, and Case Opening by other users.
  • Operation – special, limited-time events on CSGO.net with daily quests and a visual map progression for rewards.
  • All-in Cases – high-risk, high-reward cases with only two possible items.
  • Events – as far as we understand, the events are only tied to live-CS events.
  • Refill % Bonus – when you deposit money, you sometimes get extra credit added. For example, a 10% bonus on a $20 deposit gives you an extra $2.
  • Flat $ Refill Bonus – a fixed bonus is added to your account no matter how much you deposit. For example, you get $5 extra whether you deposit $10 or $100.
  • Referral Code – share a unique code with friends to get bonuses when they join the platform.

CSGO.net Best Cases and Skins

Let’s be honest: most of the time, when someone writes something is the best, it’s often subjective. Taking that into account, we’d love to share some of what we think are the best cases and skins on CSGO.net.

Best Cases and Skins List

This list is not necessarily only based on prices: 


  • All in M4A1-S (we the skin and high risks. Just not high prices)
  • Doppler Era
  • Mona Lisa (limited edition. Hurry)
  • Richard Mille
  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus


  • AWP Gungnir
  • M4A4 Howl
  • AK-47 Wild Lotus
  • Butterfly knife Fade
  • Sports Gloves Pandora’s Box

CSGO.net Case Odds and Fairness

CSGO.net highlights fairness and transparency, as we mentioned the listed odds for skins in each case. They use a “Provably Fair” system, which ensures that every case opening result is verifiable and free from manipulation. This is nice. However, you’ll have to understand how it works, or you’re just simply taking their word for it again.

Provably Fair System

The Provably Fair system relies on a sophisticated algorithm based on three key components:

  • Server Seed: This is a hidden value determined by the server to keep outcomes unpredictable.
  • Client Seed: Set by the player, this value allows you to have some influence over the result.
  • Nonce: A unique identifier for each case opening, ensuring every result is independent and random.

The “Server Seed” is kept secret from the player and is only shown as a hashed value to prevent any tampering. This system guarantees that every case opening is genuinely random and fair. While the default “Client Seed” is randomly generated. However, you can customize it if you want.

Even if you never check, the Provably Fair System being in place should make you feel better about opening cases on CSGO.net.

Winning Chances

Your chances of winning any given skin on CSGO.net is clearly stated in the odds section of each case. Feel free to click around and find the cases that you think give the best chances for your money as not all cases are the same.

Legitimacy and Regulation

CSGO.net seems to be one of the most legitimate sites we’ve ever opened cases on. So we decided to look up the CSGO.net TrustPilot score.

Is CSGO.net a Legit Website?

We think so. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Check out the almost 6000 reviews on the CSGO.net TrustPilot. By the way, the average rating is 4.6. Oddly enough, that’s what we rank the site overall.

CSGO.net Deposit and Withdrawal Methods

The site has enough CSGO.net deposit methods that almost anyone can find a way for them to top up their account.

We’ll list a few below:

  • Visa bank cards – min amount is $1.
  • G2A gift cards – you can purchase these via bank transfer.
  • PayPal – this also takes you to a place to purchase gift cards.
  • Pay by Skins – there are three different options.
  • Sepa – wire transfers.
  • Crypto – there are 5 different options available. You also receive a small bonus if you make a deposit using this method.
  • WeChat – use the WeChat payment system.

You can withdraw both skins and money you’ve made from referrals. This option is available in the referrals section.

Comparative Analysis

We started this review by saying we’ve tested many sites, which is true. We then went on to say this site is great, which is also true. Of course, other sites we’ve reviewed come close to CSGO.net. However, only a few. And to this day, we haven’t reviewed a site that is better than this one. It’s just something to keep in mind.

CSGO.net Rating

We’ll keep this short and sweet. We love this site. Period.

Design and usability: 4.5/5

Bonuses (free cases): 4.5/5

Customer support: 4/5

Payment methods: 4.5/5

Case transparency: 5/5

Overall Rating: 4.6/5


Yes. You can withdraw both skins and money made from referrals as long as you have a crypto wallet address.

It really depends on how many cases you plan to open and at what cost. The Gold Pass gives decent bonuses, though. Just keep that in mind.

We contacted their live support and received a response within 30 seconds.

These are the free cases available and how to open them:

  1. Avatar: Choose one of their available images, add at least $2 to your balance, and reach Steam level 3.
  2. Silver: Deposit at least $3.54 to open up to 3 free cases. This resets every 24 hours.
  3. Nova: Deposit at least $9.
  4. MG: Deposit at least $18.
  5. LEM: Deposit at least $75.
  6. Supreme: Deposit at least $150.
  7. Global: Deposit at least $450.

CSGO.net is a case-opening site. It also functions as a way to make predictions on live events, which is very nice.

Of course. Opening cases on CSGO.net is both transparent and secure.

We haven’t seen anything about getting banned. However, CSGO.net does have a user agreement, so you may want to read through that just to be sure.

Final Words

We aren’t sure how much more we need to say. We love the site. It’s one of the best we’ve ever reviewed. And that’s even considering we were too late to make predictions, and there isn’t an ongoing operation, which says a lot.

Hop on and test it out. You won’t be disappointed.

CSGO.NET Review Additional Details
